Please help I can drink 32 oz. of water in 45 minutes had my surgery 3/20/2002 my

stomack was transecte. Have I messed up my new pouch?    — christine G. (posted on May 6, 2002)

May 6, 2002
Good afternoon. I had my surgery on 3/19 and I can drink water in the same way. I do not think you have messed up your pouch. The reason that I think this is that I still can't eat much, and have no hunger pains. If you are concerned contact the Drs office and ask.
   — Don D.

May 6, 2002
I had my surgery about a month before you, but have been able to drink similarly for at least the past six weeks ( I do have to drink it at room temp though). I've worried the same thing at times, but from what I understand water slides through so quickly it shouldn't be a problem. I consider myself lucky, and I now drink approximately 100 ounces per day.
   — PaulaM

May 6, 2002
Great! You only have 32 more ounces to go! (We had our surgery on the same date.) Water goes right through you, no worries.
   — Lisa N M.

May 6, 2002
Sounds fine to me. I had surgery 3-4-02 and can drink quite a bit af water, as long as I wait an hour or two after eating. I have drank 20 oz bottle of water within 15 minutes, but right after a meal, I've tried a couple of times to drink too soon and it is pretty painful. There's a reason you don't eat and drink at the same time. Good Luck.
   — Dell H.

May 6, 2002
I am not quite 2 weeks post-op and can also drink alot of water. I can drink 8 ounces easily and about 20 ounces in an hour if I haven't eaten in a few hours. My surgeon said not to worry and that it's great that i can tolerate liquids well.
   — Melody S.

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