Where were your scar located from your tummy tuck??

I went to the plastic surgeon for the first time on Friday to discuss a full abdominoplasty. Originally (before examining me) he told me that the scar would run from hip to hip (I already knew that) and there would be an incision that would go straight up my chest between by breasts down to my pubic bone!! That kind of freaked me out. I told him that there was NO way I wanted a scar that long so maybe I should only consider a panniculectomy. After examining me, he told me that I didn't have as much loose skin as he thought above my belly button so he would only have to cut right below my rib cage down to my pubic bone. I have done a lot of research on this and haven't read or seen where a plastic surgeon makes that kind of a hug anchor type cut. My question is for those of you who've had a FULL abdominoplasty done, where are your scars?? By the way, I had lap RNY and am down 93 pounds with about 20 more to lose. Thanks for all your help!!    — Patty H. (posted on June 3, 2002)

June 3, 2002
Just as you describe it is how I was cut. I was cut from hip to hip and from my breast bone to my pubic bone. I had to get my hernia repaired so that is probably why I was cut like that.
   — Sharon T.

June 3, 2002
I was told that a tummy tuck would get rid of your other scars.
   — Linda A.

June 3, 2002
I had my abdominaplasty done in March and my surgeon cut me from between my breast to my pubic bone and from hip to hip. I had open rny July of 2001 so I already had the long vertical scar. According to my doctor, with a panniulectomy you are only cut from hip to hip and it only removes the excess skin below the bellybutton area. With abdominaplasty, they actually make an upside down V incision and then pull the skin together, then they pull the skin down and remove the pannis. Doing it this way gets rid of alot of loose skin from around your upper body, including your back. Ofcourse, I had open RNY so I already had a scar so I did not care, the plastic surgeon actually made it look a lot better than my original one. In the two months since my TT the scar has already faded to a thin light pink line. In my opion it's well worth the scar. Hope this helps, Renee deFrance
   — Renee D.

June 3, 2002
Many plastic surgeons prefer the "anchor incision" when the patient is pretty apple-shaped and carries alot of excess weight at the bellybutton level and above. The anchor incision allows the surgeon to pull excess skin in from both sides, as well as removing it from below. I was one of those unfortunate apple-shapes who always had more hanging over my belt than below it. I love what my surgeon did for me! I now have a tight flat abdomen from breasts to pubic area and a wonderfully sleek look to my more rolls above and below my bra band in the back. My incision is just a fine pink line....he used no external sutures or staples....and should fade to a thin white line in another year or so. I had had 2 C-sections and an abdominal hysterectomy in the past, each with long vertical incisions, so this wasn't a real issue for me. Surprisingly, this was also one of the least uncomfortable surgeries I have ever had....including my lap RNY....even with the extensive incisions. My surgery was a panniculectomy, which only removes excess skin and fat. An abdominoplasty also tightens the underlying muscle structure. The incisions can be exactly the same with either procedure. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

June 4, 2002
Original poster here. Thanks for the info. I really don't have a problem with the incision from the bottom of my ribcage to my belly button, but I don't understand why there would an incision BELOW the belly button all the way to the pubic bone. Particularily if there cutting off the excess skin and fat BELOW the belly button. What would be the point in cutting a straight line below the belly button to the pubic bone?? If anyone knows, please let me know. Thanks!!
   — Patty H.

June 15, 2002
I had my tummy tuck 3 months ago (March '02) and LOVE the results. I have lost 125 lbs from RNY and had TONS of extra skin on my belly (OK 15 lbs my doc said but if felt like tons to me! HAHA) I have a scar from hip to hip but NOTHING up my belly...he did give me a cute new belly button that looked a bit freakish for the first month or two but is looking more normal now. I think I would look for other surgeons cuz you don't have to have that much of an incision to have a successful outcome.
   — Dyanne O.

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