5 months post op and feet keep swelling up.

A friend of mine had this same surgery and she is 5 months post op. Her legs and ankles have just been all of a sudden swelling up this month. She's lost about 75 pounds. They were so visibly noticable that when she went to visit relatives they asked her if she was alright. what can she do.    — tjmoore (posted on June 27, 2002)

June 27, 2002
Is she dehydrated? Not getting enough water in causes our bodsies to hold onto whatever water it can. Have her contact her doc, but in the mean time look into dehydration.
   — bob-haller

June 27, 2002
she could be retaing water, she should see her dr, if the swelling dosnt go down.
   — Deanna Wise

June 27, 2002
PROTEIN PROTEIN PROTEIN !!! If you are VERY LOW on your protein levels, your extremeties WILL though you are retaining water very badly......GET TO THE DOC NOW!!! My girlfriend had the same thing and had a serious protein problem....don't mess around with it....
   — Joi G.

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