Metabolism issues after major blood loss

Hi. This is a kind of long and complicated question but I'm hoping someone here will have some answers. In about the past 4 weeks my appetite has really picked up. I'm 21 months post op and at goal. I had double mastectomy and reconstruction 7 weeks ago. When I had the surgery 7 weeks ago I experienced a pretty significant blood loss. I had to have two transfusions. Of course the first few weeks after a surgery like this you don't have any energy or much of an appetite. But about 3 weeks after surgery my appetite came roaring back. I haven't gained weight but it concerns me. Just yesterday, someone told me that exeriencing a major blood loss will squash your metabolism and a low metabolism makes your body constantly say FEED ME! With all of that said - how to I get my metabolism back to where it was? I am thinking that supplementing alot of protein will help but I'm not exactly sure how protein affects the metabolism. Also, I was wondering if short term medication that is meant to speed up your metabolism would kick mine back into high gear. However, the idea of taking medication for this doesn't appeal to me. HELP! I want my good metabolism back! Thanks!    — ronascott (posted on July 4, 2002)

July 4, 2002
I don't know anything about how a blood transfusion or blood loss affects the metalolism, but I do know that the body needs protein to heal. I know that when my body goes through any kind of healing process my appetite increases. I have found that my body is needing more fuel for healing and energy. My suggestion to you would be to watch the carbs and eat protein and maybe supplement with a protein drink. I pray you make it through this time and feel better and better with each day.
   — Tracey W.

July 4, 2002
I don't have the answer either, but I needed 4 transfusions after my WLS and remember having no energy at all. I was put on the typical liquid only diet for a short time, then switched to protein only. No carbs at all. Within a few weeks my energy level came back. Hope this helps somewhat. I have heard though...removing carbs from diet does help with weight loss again and increased energy.
   — Nancy K.

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