Please advise countries cost opinion surgerys and costs outside USA?

Hi....looking for info on countries outside USA that have a good reputation and price for RNY. Thanks in advance.    — Deb K. (posted on July 28, 2002)

July 28, 2002
I highly recommend Dr Roberto Rumbaut in Monterrey Mexico. He is an excellent and very experienced surgeon - he has even had WLS himself so he knows what it is like for us. He does both the AGB and the Lap RNY.
   — Sarah G.

July 28, 2002
Deb, check out the library and look under Mexico. A while back I posted an answer with the price I was quoted from a doctor in Mexico. I believe there should be other folks' answers to that question also.
   — Shelly S.

July 29, 2002
I read on this website somewhere about a guy who had WLS surgery in Tijuana, Mexico. He gave his surgeon and hospital rave reviews. I'm sure it was much less costly than in the US, but it gives me the creeps. I wish I could remember just where I saw that posting. If I run across it, I will try to get it to you. Snoop around.
   — Jeff N.

July 29, 2002
I am going to Brazil for an open DS. The surgeon is wonderful, the hospital is new and very modern. Dr. M is a Diplomate here in the sates as well as Brazil. The fee for the Dr. and hospital is $8000 USD. You also have to consider, airfare, hotel, private nursing when you leave the hospital for a couple of days. I expect to spend around $10,000 to $11,000 for everything. Dr. Kuri does the lap band in TJ for $8500 USD. There is also a surgeon in Spain. Let me know if you have any other questions! Jackie
   — Jacklyn C.

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