Post-Ops: Which foods...

do you now like that you didn't like pre-op? Did you find that you're liking foods now that are better for you? I like nearly all foods - except maybe organ meats. Since there are few vegies that I don't like, I wonder how likely it'll be that I'll be unable to eat some of them as a post-op.    — Kathy B. (posted on August 22, 2002)

August 22, 2002
WATER...I wouldn't touch it before surgery, now that is all I drink. Eggs, I hated them, now I have them at least 3 times a week. This surgery has definately changed my taste buds. I was a huge meat/pasta eater preop, now I can't hardly tolerate either (some ground meats are OK), but pasta tastes like "Yuck" to me.
   — Lynda T.

August 22, 2002
Kathy, I loved hot and spicey food, (mexican food and Thai food pre-op), how-ever now 3 months post -op I can no longer tolerate them...... Also loved eggs pre-op can't stomache them now post op.. there are allot of food that I used to love to eat, but won't dare touch them no post op, ( trying to be a good girl) Best of luck to you. post op 3 months down 70 pounds
   — tannedtigress

August 22, 2002
Used to love eggs, not cannot stand to even smell them, same with bacon. Pastas are not as appealing as they were pre-op. Didn't eat ANY fruits before surgery, unless it was like blueberries in a cobbler or something like that. Now I feel like a new world has opened up with fruit. I eat fruit daily now as my 'dessert'. Honeydew, Watermelon, Unique (or Ugli) fruit, frozen grapes and frozen mandarin oranges are all my favs! Stir fry is awesome with fresh crunchy veggies, never would have eaten as a pre-op. I'll get a shaker salad from McD's every blue moon and I cannot stand the smell drifting from the drive-thru window. Smells like lard! Used to make me salivate! I just find that the foods that are better for me are what I crave and really savor. The greasy stuff is just not appealing any more. I never thought that would happen either. I just don't understand how having this surgery changes your taste buds, but I have to say that I am so thankful that I now enjoy foods that make me a healthier person.
   — Cheri M.

August 22, 2002
I was a very big carb eater...breads, pasta, rice ect. I can't stand them now. They just taste too bland for me and weigh heavy in my stomach. I LOVE fruits and veggies now. Also fish. And I LOVE anything spicy now! Good luck to you!
   — Leah H.

August 22, 2002
There are no foods that I didn't like pre-op that I like now. But there are many things I did like pre-op that I either don't like now or choose not to have it now. Some have already been mentioned. I do eat some bread and pasta and rice, but not much, as I find that they fill me up way too fast and I need the room for the protein. So most meals are protein and veggie, with perhaps 1/2 a sandwich for lunch. Fruit is a snack, along with the better tasting protein bars (higher sugar and carbs but the tastes are sooo much better). Some carb snacks like popcorn, but I have learned to like SF chocolate and SF ice creams which I have on occasion. If I get a craving for a slice of pizza or a fast food burger, I get it, but I find that after a bite or two it just doesn't taste as good as I thought it would, so I throw it away..tastes do change!
   — Cindy R.

August 22, 2002
I still don't like veggies. If someone else cooks them, OK. Or if I have a really good salad -- otherwise I still think they're YUK. And, of course, that's what we need to eat.
   — Betty Todd

August 26, 2002
It's funny how tastes change once you are post op...I never used to like hotdogs all that much, but now I find they are often my first choice. And soups...I was never a soup girl AT ALL, and I find them pretty satisfying. What else? I too loved Italian food - pastas, pizzas, the whole shebang, and, whatever. What else? I was a coffee addict pre op, and now really only like (okay, LOVE) iced coffee. I am slowly getting my taste for chicken back, which is good cause I loved it preop and have gone thru a period where it gags me. And I never could deal with seafood much, and now I enjoy it a lot. And then there is the gamut of chocolate, biscotti, creme brulee, etc. etc. that I thrived on preop...Now I can take 'em or leave 'em, you know? In the words of Martha Stewart..."It's a GOOD thing..."
   — rebeccamayhew

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