Heavy Period for 15 days

Hello, it's me again (as usual :) This time, I have a question regarding periods. I have PCOS, so I am already used to absent, late and heavy periods. This time, it's really bad. Before surgery, I hadn't had my period in 3+ months and got it the day of the operation. I skipped another month, and finally got it full force 2 weeks ago. I started the ortho-evra patch at the same time and since then my period has been horrible. Horrible pain and heavy bleeding (sometimes to the point of a hemmorhage-like situation). Has anyone else had this happen? Has it slowed down for any of you? Can I remove my ovaries like NOW? lol. Thanks so much. -forever asking questions, NYC    — Kelly C. (posted on August 27, 2002)

August 27, 2002
It is just going to take tine, I am afraid. You may expirience unusual EVERYTHING due to WLS, until your body weight & hormones "regulate". Next month you could have nothing, and I sorry to say that you just cannot predict your outcome.
   — Karen R.

August 27, 2002
Hi Kelly. I have PCOS, too. I was on the Depo shot pre-op and didn't get periods and continued on the Depo after, so I thought I'd still be without periods. Ya, well, that was a nice thought. About 9 months post-op, the flood gates opened and didn't stop for a month. This made me paranoid since I was in a sexual relationship and I thought the Depo had failed or something. My gyno reassured me that it was just my hormones going into a frenzy from the weight loss. She suggested that I may need a more potent Depo, but it didn't happen again. UNTIL a few weeks ago! Of course, both times were prompted by some really banging intercourse, not sure if that jarred something loose or what. But this time, it didn't last a month, and it wasn't nearly as heavy as before. Currently, I am 16 months post-op. My doctor said this sort of thing will happen until i stabilize. So, I just carry a few tampons in my purse and pray for stabilization!! good luck with everything! anna
   — Anna F.

August 27, 2002
The same thing happened to me after surgery. I bleed for 27 days straight. I thought it would never end! My doctor explained that because of being overweight as well as having WLS, your hormones are a little weird. He put me on Ortho Cyclen to regulate my periods. It takes a month or two to completely regulate them, but it does work. Oh, and if you get Ortho Tri Cyclen, it makes your skin look really good. Hope this helps.
   — Sarah K.

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