Does being a diabetic slow down weight loss ?

I am a diabetic. I currently take 200 units of insulin and 200 mg of Glucaphage a day. I have read so many conflicting things. Will being a diabetic and on these meds slow down my weight loss ? I have not had surgery yet and I pray that after surgery the weight loss will take care of the diabetes. Any advice is much appreciated. Dana    — Dana R. (posted on September 12, 2002)

September 12, 2002
Dana, I am not diabetic, but my best friend is. Diabetic medicines do slow down weight loss, but you most likely won't be on them long after surgery. My friend was taking insulin shots twice a day and pills for her diabetes. She had open RNY. Ten days after her WLS, her doctor took her off of all of her diabetic medicine, including the insulin. She has lost over 100 lbs. HTH. Karen P.
   — Karen P.

September 12, 2002
I have been a diabetic for 16 years--constant monitoring adjusting meds---I am 6 weeks out and down 38 pounds---I think this is great considering I am a lightweight--and NO more insulin my blood sugars are normal.
   — Linda L.

September 12, 2002
My husband's FASTING blood sugar right before surgery was 308. That was June 2001. Within one month of the surgery, he needed less medication. He has lost 90+ pounds and kept it off. Now his blood sugars are normal. His doctor still has him on a very low dose of Glucophage, but plans to take him off that if time shows he's stabilized. God bless you on this exciting journey! CJ
   — cjtich

September 12, 2002
I was diabetic before the surgery, had to take 250 mg of glucophage twice a day. Since my surgery, I haven't had to take anything, my surgery was 4/15/02 and now down 84lbs. Nothing slow about that. Another woman at my surgeons office lost more than me and had her surgery after mine and she was insulin dependent(the shots that is) so I don't think it will hinder your progress at all.
   — stacey1273

September 13, 2002
I had sugar before surgery,but now all my tests are in the normal range. I had surgery 2/13/02 and have lost 155 pounds-I don't think that's slow-I am sooooo happy and fell so good too !!!!! Good Luck to you.
   — gary B.

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