How do you start a support group in your area?

The closest group is 2 hrs away. There are alot of people in my town who have had surgery and I feel we need a support group locally.    — Wendy B. (posted on October 10, 2002)

October 10, 2002
Two of us started a new support group in our valley. We started with this web site and contacted everyone we could find who has had the surgery, were scheduled for surgery or were thinking about having surgery. Then we drew up a flyer and distributed it to every primary care doctor and internist within a reasonable area around us. We let each surgical group know that there was a support group locally. My boss graciously offered us his waiting room to hold the meetings. We are now so large (the group not our shrinking bodies) that I contacted our local hospital and they are going to let us hold meetings there. We do not endorse any particular procedure or any particular doctor, but we do offer information about everyone and everything. I so look forward to the meetings as do everyone else. Contact me if you need help in forming a group near you.
   — Sue A.

October 10, 2002
Several suggestions: Put an ad in the community section of your local newspaper; print flyers on your computer and distribute them in public places (library, supermarket, any place that will let you). Also, contact local churches, corporations, etc. that have meeting rooms and will let you use them free of cost. Good luck.
   — Arlene S.

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