Puffy Mons After Tummy Tuck

I had a tummy tuck done two weeks ago. My mons looks really puffy even though the doctor was going to lift that. Also the front part of my stomach is kinda flat, but puffy. I can put fingers under my skin folds on the sides of my stomach. Is this right?    — Gay S. (posted on December 18, 2002)

December 18, 2002
I know exactly what you mean. Mine was huge for the first 3 weeks after my TT 11/8. Now at six weeks out it looks great. Hang in there (no pun intended) it will get better!
   — MARSHA D.

December 18, 2002
Your mons was probably heavy to begin with so once they did the tt and flattened out your stomach it would give the appearance of your mons being larger since your stomach is now smaller. Make sense?? I still need to have surgery on my mons to flatten it out. Hopefully in another year or so.
   — Patty H.

December 18, 2002
I had tt one month ago. I am still swollen in the same places as you. In fact, I will have to continue to wear the "supportive garments" for a few more weeks. I have been told the swelling may last a few months, but with some excercise(not strenuous, just walking and such) the swelling will be lessened, and the healing time will be shortened. Remember that when they do the tt they have cut nerves. Now, as we recouperate, the nerves and skin underneath need to heal and regenerate, which is why we may experience pain as well as the swelling. What you are experiencing is totally normal.
   — twenc

December 18, 2002
I had my tt/br 18 days ago and I had the same problem, it looked weird as heck,but trust me it will go away, check out my pictures at this link..
   — bikerchic

December 20, 2002
I watched a lady's tummy tuck on Discovery Health Channel a couple of weeks ago. Her doctor told her it can take up to 6 months for all of the swelling to go down! Keep your chin up :) ...the rest will follow!
   — Anna L.

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