Looking to purchase a digital Scale?

Hi, looking to purchase a digital scale and maybe one that calculates Body Fat also...I want a good one (I checked the Library here and the only post was from 1/2 yrs ago)...ANy suggestions, I want one that is consistent. HELP!    — heathercross (posted on February 3, 2003)

February 3, 2003
I have one that does body fat and it is not accurate at all. It can vary by several percentage points within hours. Also, I use the waist/hip ratio to calculate my body fat and it doesn't jive with the numbers on the scale so I just decided to not pay attention to the scale. The scale part is pretty accurate. I don't remember the brand but I bought it at target.
   — ctyst

February 3, 2003
I bought a model made by thinner at Linens and things. I judge a digital scale by whether I get the same weight if I step on it multiple times. This model cost about $40 but it's very accurate and I get the same weight as I do in my doctor's office. - Mike
   — Michael N.

February 3, 2003
Heather, When I was at the mall with my husband a few weeks ago, we walked past The Sharper Image. They have a digital scale that was $100 reduced to $50 if you bought something else. SO, I bought a battery and got the scale. It's pretty consistant and has a really big blue digital readout to 2/10ths of a pound. It's a modern style, with a thick, glass surface, holding up to 350 lbs.. I would give them a call and see if they still have it. We've been pleased.
   — Fixnmyself

February 3, 2003
You might want to look into a Tanita scale I'm going to buy one when I get down to 300 or so. I think they have ones that measure up to 400 but cost much more. <p>Take Care, Be Well, and Be Happy!
   — John T.

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