Do most women have to have a c-section after open g-bypass?

I am due in 6 weeks and am actually hoping to have a c-section. I have a huge surgery scar that has been quite painful with the expansion of my son. I can't imagine going through intensive labor even with an epidural. Please email me any experiences on this or if anyone has made this request to their obgyn dr.    — lizp100 (posted on May 12, 2003)

May 12, 2003
I delivered a healthy 7'6" son a week ago Monday and had him naturally! I had tried for 11 years to get pregnant, had surgery on 11-7-01 and have lost 160 pounds. Check out my page if you like: Coryn Comstock. Having open rny does not necessarily mean a C-Section. Best of luck! Cory
   — duane B.

May 16, 2003
I would not think that having an open bypass would have anything whatsoevr to do with whether or not you NEED a c-section. Remember a c/s is also MAJOR surgery. It also will leave a scar and most are done with a low incision that goes side to side just above your pubic bone. the scar on your skin from bypass does not affect your uterus. It should not be a problem for labor. It is normal to be nervous about labor. Everybody is. Trust your Dr. and the labor nurses to help you thru. Talk to your ob about your fears. Hang in there and best wishes for a nice healthy baby.
   — **willow**

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