Has anybody had erosion of the silastic ring?

I had the Fobi Pouch surgery done 8 years ago, and 100 pounds ago. Now every I sometimes get a sharp, small pain in the esophagus..not my throat..but the high chest. I was told it might be that the silastic ring around the pouch has eroded. Has anybody experienced this? What was done for it? My hmo didnt approve an endoscopy..but did order an upper gi.Is this dangerous?    — Yvonne S. (posted on June 27, 2003)

June 27, 2003
One of my good friends had this happen to her and they went back in and took what was left out. She has gained a lot of her weight back and has for the past year been trying to find a doc to do a revision with not much luck.
   — Delores S.

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