stress incontenince any improvement after surgery?

   — Pat B. (posted on August 19, 2003)

August 19, 2003
I had stress incontenince prior to surgery. Any sneeze or cough would cause me to wet my pants. I can happily say that since surgery my incontinence has disappeared. It is nice to know I can now sneeze in public and not have to worry about wetting my pants.
   — jmusser

August 19, 2003
I was told by the nurse WLS can help with this problem.
   — doodlebug

August 19, 2003
It helped me, in fact it is no longer a problem at all. Before I actually had to wear a panty liner because of the leaking. That went away with the high blood pressure sleep problems and pain in my feet back and legs.
   — Tawnda C.

August 19, 2003
"cured" mine!
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 19, 2003
Mine went away after avery short period of time and just a relatively small loss. Probably less than 50 pounds.
   — Carol S.

August 19, 2003
I had an outpatient procedure done back in April knowing my WLS was in August. My surgeon said stress incontience is due to weakening of muscles, many times brought on by things, such as childbirth. Having the procedure(TVT)was a very good move. It made all the difference & I was able to return to work the following day with limited lifting for 6weeks. And it did not interfer with me being approved for WLS. Many thin people have stress incontience, so I suppose it would just depend on you & your muscles/situation. Good luck to you.
   — Sarah H.

August 19, 2003
Not only did mine virtually disappear after surgery, I also do not get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom anymore. I would roll over in bed, and the pressure of my stomach pressing on my bladder would make me have to get up and "go".
   — Fixnmyself

August 19, 2003
I was told my incontinence was a result of my high weight, but six months prior to surgery I gave up caffeine, and amazingly, the incontinence disappeared completely!!!!! If I have more than one cup of coffee...the waterworks are on....if I avoid it completely, no problems... so, while losing weight should definitely help with this... if you're a big caffeine junky, try cutting it down and see if that helps too....good luck.
   — Kelly B.

August 19, 2003
Mine went away almost immediately. While some incontinence can be from muscles... I think ours is due to the pressure from the fat. I know now, I don't get it all out when I pee sometimes... I really have to use my muscles *grin* kind of funny thinking of where I came from.
   — Lisa C.

August 20, 2003
Yes!!! Before surgery, this was an irritating problem, and now it's completely gone. I also notice, like one of the other posters said, that I no longer have to get up and go in the middle of the night, despite the fact that I'm probably drinking twice as much water now. Just another of the great side effects of WLS!
   — Maggie T.

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