finally get to meet my dr. what should I ask ??

Finally I got my appointment with Dr.Hess. I have researched wls for months now and found out as much as I could to make sure this is what I want. I'm 17 and have a bmi of 57. I have been obese all my life and I'm sick of being unhealthy !! So I am very excited about this meeting I have some basic questions that I'm going to ask the dr. But, can anyone give me any suggestions on anything I should ask. I'm almost positive that I have all the important questions I want to ask in mind but just want to make sure I dont leave anything out I should know. help me please !!    — Ashley G. (posted on August 20, 2003)

August 19, 2003
Bruce Underwood has listed a lot of great Dr. question on his website. Good luck. Here is a link:
   — Tom Barton

August 19, 2003
Hi Ashley, Make sure you get all of the money & insurance questions out in the open up front. At my Dr's practice, the Dr's dicuss this with the patient. In other practices they have a financial manager who discusses this. On this website, people have said that their Dr asked for a few hundred to several thousand dollars up front only a day or 2 before surgery and the patient had no previous knowledge that the co-pay or special payment would be required. Best Wishes -
   — M B.

August 21, 2003
WLS Deb's profile on here has a link on her website to helpful links (Does this make sense)?? Anyway, if you look on there she has a complete very detailed list on what to ask your surgeron when you go in for consult. I know it will be very helpful.
   — bufordslipstick

August 21, 2003
P.s. - if and when you need a good WLS letter requesting this surgery, Sharon Brittains site is the one to go to. She has helped over 100's of people get approved with her letter, and she doesn't mind sharing. She also has a list of co-morbs that are listed that you can use that will also help in getting approval. She has thought of things everyone of us has pre-op, but posibly wouldn't think of to put in our letters. Good Luck!!
   — bufordslipstick

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