I am now 15 post-op(now at goal) & I'm having sharp pains in my right side!

It has even woke me up in the middle of the night. Right now it's not overbearing but I'm worried it could be a kidney stone? What do you think? Should I call the doctor? And if so, should I call my PCP or Dr. Smith?    — Beth G. (posted on March 29, 2004)

March 29, 2004
Do you still have your gall bladder and appendix? could be one of those. I would call ethier doctor to check it out before it gets worse.
   — Tammy N.

March 29, 2004
Do you still have your gall bladder and appendix? could be one of those. I would call ethier doctor to check it out before it gets worse.
   — Tammy N.

March 29, 2004
It's probably your gallbladder. Mine started bothering me about the same time and I had been at goal for about 8 months. I had it removed in November when I was 2 years post-op from the RNY and I haven't had any further problems since then. It was a very easy surgery also. I recovered by about day 5.
   — Patty H.

March 29, 2004
How strange!!! I'm 2 years out next week and have been having pain in right side of stomach wrapping around to back. Usually a gnawing type of sensation but the wraparound to the back is *very* uncomfortable. I've taking 2 Darvocet with 2 800mg ibuprofen followed by another Davocet about an hour later. Then I can get about 4-5 hours sleep. Had a huge kidney stone about 15 months ago (size of a dime) that required 2 hospitalizations. And this is just a smidge different in that I've got the stomach discomfort. It sometimes moves to the left side a bit and down into lower belly. But not often. Gallbladder out in 87 so it's not that unless a gallstone is stuck in bile duct. Hiatal hernia??? Ulcer??? Another kidney stone(s). At this point, I'm clueless. I called PCP and he won't see me. Referred me to surgeon who was out of town last week. I have appointment on Friday with surgeon. I'll try to remember to come back and post.
   — katie-mae

March 30, 2004
Sounds like gallbladder to me....I had to have mine out in November, but Im still preop. Its the WORST pain I ever had! ALSO- I still occassionaly get the pain. Doc said its just the nerve endings and stuff. The pain now is not NEAR as bad as before and only lasts a second. If it is your gallbladder, you will feel SO much better when it comes out! Hope this helps!
   — Valerie03

March 31, 2004
A big thanks to everyone's input (orginal poster)!!! I am going to be smart & make a appointment to get checked out.
   — Beth G.

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