Questions about pain meds after surgery.

Hi ya'll....I will be having a full Tummy tuck (I was told I'll lost at least 10 pounds of skin) with muscle work and breast lift Aug 5th. Can you tell me what pain meds you were on while in the hospital, and what did they send you home with ? How many days worth do they give you? How long did you need to take them ???....................................ALSO, was anyone on pain meds BEFORE plastic surgery ? Did you need to get a higher dose of pain meds to control your post op pain because you were "tollerant" to the "normal" dose?..........Can you tell me about your first few days (weeks) after surgery? Were you terribly miserable ? Were you in alot of pain ? Were you able to sleep? How long before you were able to drive ? When did you feel up to going "out" (say to the mall for a bit)...Sure would appreciate any feedback I could get :) Thanks Kim P.S. I heard you have to wear your binder 24/7....What about for bathing,,,can you take it off?    — WABBIT F. (posted on July 22, 2004)

July 22, 2004
I had LBL, BL, Inner Thigh LIft, and lipo done all at one time. I don't know what pain meds I was on in the hospital. But, at home, I had Vicodin which worked fine. My dose was 400 mg. (I think) 1-2 tablets 4 times a day. I never took 2 tablets at once, one did the trick and I felt like I had a lot of discomfort. Much more so than WLS but I had virtually no pain at all with WLS. I wasn't on any pain meds before plastic surgery. I wasn't uncomfortable in the hospital at all because I was so numb. They gave me an epidural so I had basically no feeling for two days. I was pretty miserable for 3 weeks. But, I did get an infection in one of my thighs and that made me feel really bad and weepy and depressed but once I got on stronger antibiotics and they kicked in, I felt much better. I got drains and stitches out at 3 weeks - stitches were left in too long, but that's another story - but once these were out, my life was much, much, much better. I didn't drive until after drains were out and didn't leave the house except for dr. visits until the drains were out - but they were HUGE and also I was bent over and it hurt my back to walk without the walker. I wore my compression garment when my drains came out and wore it religiously for about 4 weeks and now intermittently. But, I didn't have that much swelling at all. By the way, I have a BIG difference in the way I look. I'm a loose size 6 now and feel so slim. You're going to love it!
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 22, 2004
I had a TT, breast lift with aug and an arm lift on 7/8/04. I was outpatient but had a prescription filled for percocet a week prior. I was given 5/325 doage amount and 75 tablets. I took 2 at a time. A week later I got another prescription for 50 more tablets. Today, 2 weeks post op, I got another prescription for 100 more tablets. I ran out yesterday and thought I would be fine... WHATEVER! I slept maybe 2 hours last night because the pain was worse than it was my first day out of surgery, which really weren't that bad. It was more like just a beat up feeling. I slept like a log with the percocet! I ventured out for the first time 4 days post to get drains removed, not fun. I amazing felt much better day 5 and went to the grocery store and Starbucks! And yes I have a lovely binder and bra that I must wear EXCEPT for when I shower. That's when I like to throw it in the washing machine. GOOD LUCK TO YOU AND BEST WISHES FOR AN UNEVENTFUL AND PAIN FREE RECOVERY!
   — SMG I.

July 22, 2004
Hi. You will LOVE the new you. I do. I had a full t/t with anchor incision on June 21, 2004. 2 days shy of my RNY one year anniversary, June 23, 2003. 2.5 pounds of skin off. It was sooooooooooo piece of cake. T/T on June 21, home on June 22. Rented a hospital bed for a month, only needed it for one week! Helps keep legs and back up to hold stitches in place. Had percocet at home. Didn't work that well, so went back to Vicodan, which I had been on 2 other times for thumb joint replacement. 40 pills. Stayed on it for not even a week. Was up and out to dr. to get stitches out and 3 drains out after a week. It was soooooo easy. I expected to be laid up for 6 weeks. NOT!! I drove after 2 weeks and felt GREAT. SO EASY. I'd never know I had it except to look down to a totally flat tummy. Constant binder except to shower. Bought an extra one myself to have a spare. I had open RNY with 7 strictures and a football size hernia. T/T was easiest operation of all. Hernia surgery in Nov. 2003 was JUST AWFUL. OUCH. T/T was so easy = I'm going for facelift next summer when off from teaching. No other hanging parts on body. I'm VERY lucky that way. Can't exercise till late Sept. Legs are getting a bit flabby from no Curves. Not supposed to walk for exercise yet. :(:( I feel like I could run a 10K marathon at 4 weeks out. Wish I could. Best of luck. Sooooooo piece of cake operation. Don't worry. Kathy, June 23, 2003 RNY Proximal ...295/180/170.....T/T June 21, 2004.. 2.5 pounds of skin removed
   — Kathy R.

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