My Husband has type 1 Diabetes and weighs 287. Would he be able to have the surgery?

If not? Wh not? He takes insulin 4 to 5 times a day and has had Diabetes since 1999. He needs help!    — Kimberly H. (posted on October 16, 2005)

October 16, 2005
The best thing about this surgery is to get rid of your co-morbidities. Diabetes is one of the reasons to have this surgery. So therefore, most definitely your husband could have this surgery. What I would wonder is.......will he be over 100# if he weighs 287. Insurance will be looking for an over 40 BMI, 100 lbs overweight or a lot of co-morbidities.....depending on your insurance. Check out your insurance policy.
   — Jane K.

October 16, 2005
Get with his primary doctor and ask. I know the surgery did get rid of my type II diabetes; not sure how it affects type I. Just ask the proper source, his doctor, about it.
   — KRWaters

October 17, 2005
I used to be an insulin-dependent diabetic, which is one of the reasons to have the surgery. I did not get cured by the surgery, but after ten months and a weight loss of 140 pounds, I no longer need any diabetic meds, oral or injection; I just control by diet and exercise. I eat VERY little sugar. I even drink carb controll instead of milk, because milk has a lot of sugar, and I eat very few fruits, which are high in sugar.
   — Novashannon

October 18, 2005
Hi, You might want to check out There is a very high cure rate for diabetes with the ds (over 90%). Can't hurt to check.
   — Tuxedo Katz

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