Is it standard to have support hose put on in pre op.

   — Tasha B. (posted on September 15, 2000)

September 15, 2000
Don't know if it's "standard", but I had TED hose put on just before surgery and they stayed on until I left the hospital. I really didn't notice them on after a while. Blessings,
   — Michele A.

September 15, 2000
Yes, it's standard procedure to place one form or another of antiembolism stocking before the procedure. Different surgeons prefer different devices.
   — Jaye C.

September 15, 2000
I loved my support stockings...they kept my feet warm before I went under. Make sure you shave first, these babies are tight! YOWW! And no nail polish on your toes...Docs wanna see them pink. Good Luck :)
   — Allie B.

September 16, 2000
My doc uses some things that give a nice gentle massage. VERY nice! And I don't mind that they're keeping me healthy simultaneously.
   — vitalady

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