Here's a question I've never seen posted...... Please help!!

I am going to be having surgery in a few weeks I think, and have quite a bit of weight to lose. I will most definitely need a tummy tuck. My most embarassing question...whew... Here it goes.... When they do the tummy tuck, are they able to tighten up the skin from your private area? Is there a particular surgery specifically for this reason? I have tried to look this information up on line, but am not able to find anything! I hope there is someone out there who is wondering also!! Please if you have had plastic surgery or have done any research about this particular question please reply! Thank You in advance! _______________________________________________________________    — [Anonymous] (posted on April 4, 2001)

April 4, 2001
Hi! I've yet to have my wls, let alone the reconstructive surgery, but I have spoken with a woman who has been through both, and she said that they do pull that area up and get rid of the extra skin. At least her doctor did. Hope this helps.
   — Sharon N.

April 4, 2001
I am waiting on insurance approval now. I mentioned the same thing at my consult, and the surgeon said it would be taken care of with the abdominoplasty. Good luck.
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 4, 2001
I don't have an answer, I just wanted to thank you for asking that question as I'm way to shy to do it myself and had wondered the same thing. Good luck to everyone!!!
   — Juanita B.

April 4, 2001
Denise B is correct. Abdominoplasty would take care of that and then some. With abdoninoplasy, the make a small incision, tighten your abdominal muscles, stretch your skin, and basically sew you a new belly button, as your old one is gone with the excess skin. That is consider cosmetic surgery and not normally covered on insurance. I have not had it done, but have researched it. You may want to check with the plastic surgery unit of your area, university/teaching hospital. Sometimes they take patients on a discounted basis. Don't worry, in that case, you are not an experiment, the residents/students are always supervised by a surgeon. BEST WISHES
   — Cheryl C.

April 4, 2001
I had mine done October 28, 2000. My surgeon cut me from breast to pubis and hip to hip, with a smiley face looking incision. He took out the excess fat in my mons pubis and pulled that area up. I now have no rolls, and the extra fat that I didn't loose from that area was easily removed. My WLS did my hernia, and tummy tuck repairs. I love my new body!!! Good Luck --
   — CohenHeart

April 4, 2001
I had both abdominoplasty & panni. Pulled left to right, up to down, down to up. Thighs came up a bit, hips were smoothed out, my "everything" went back where it belonged. Better than when I was young, I think. Depends entirely one who does it, how it's done. My bariatric surgeon did mine and when he tucks, EVERYTHING is tucked and I mean tight. Been over 5 yrs and I still cannot believe this body is mine. Sure doesn't look like original issue to me! Mine was never as tight as this one. Since I didn't build it myself, I can't take credit for it--it's his. I'm just very thankful that I can look so NORMAL. All the components are NORMAL. Know what I mean?
   — vitalady

December 11, 2002
Well I had the panneculectomy and my surgeon was only able to pull that area up. I still have a huge pouch and have to wear a girdle to pull it in. I am also really tight but somehow that area couldn't be fixed. I was told by the surgeon he would not touch that area because of the nerves. If they mess up then I could lose control of my bladder. Maybe that was just his opinion.
   — Karen D.

December 11, 2002
This is in response to Karen's comment about the cutting of the nerves... I believe that to be true, only because I just had a myomectomy a month ago (fibroid tumor removal) and my surgeon had to cut into my pubic area. The nerves around my vaginal opening and my anus were very deadened for about a month, but I am beginning to get the feeling back as the nerves grow back. And yes, my bladder did stop working for about 2 weeks, but I regained the ability to void and all is well now. So I don't think it would be a permanent thing.
   — K T.

December 11, 2002
I had abdominoplasty back in July. My doctor was just wonderful, Dr.Joey Manduano in Tulsa, OK. No, he doesn't pay me to say this, LOL. Anyway, my incision looks a little different than most I have seen. It goes from hip to hip and looks like a curvy W. It dips down low on each side of my pubic area and comes up higher right in the center. Anyway, I had a lot of loose skin in the pubic area and it is all snug now. I love the effect I got. My abs feel like I am some kind of crunch queen. I just really could't beleive the difference it made in my appearance. Also, I had so much loose skin that it actually interfered somewhat with sex, that is no longer a problem. Hope this wasn't too much information! He did my inner thighs at the same time and they look so much nicer. My scars fade more everyday and they are placed really well. I feel like Michelle and sometimes don't feel like it is my body.
   — cindy Q.

July 16, 2004
   — fradycat007

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