Gross question--has anyone noticed slightly bloody bowel movements after surgery?

I suffer from mild constipation and forgive me for saying, at times have to exert myself to have a bowel movement. I noticed recently that some of my bowel movements are slightly bloody. This seems to be due to dryness and mild constipation. Has anyone else experienced this problem and any suggestions for correcting this?    — [Anonymous] (posted on May 27, 2001)

May 27, 2001
Has your PCP or someone run an occult blood test (poop on a card)? If the blood is bright red, it means one thing, if it is sorta wound around, it is another. We know NOTHING here, nothing! But blood should probably mean that trip to the doc. You could have a perforated ulcer (not all come with free pain warnings) or other gastric bleed that can be seriously life threatening. I know you don't want to hear that. I've had various gastric problems since long before WLS, so the poop on a card is an annoyingly familiar scenario for me.
   — vitalady

May 27, 2001
Of course you should consult your physician, but in the meantime, try adding fiber to your diet. Eat some fresh fruit and veggies, one slice of whole grain bread (if tolerable) or take a fiber supplement daily. It is possible that you are experiencing anal fissures (small tears in the bum) which will be relieved if you keep constipation to a minimum. Good luck!
   — Allie B.

May 28, 2001
Yes, let your MD know. It is by far more likely to be internal tiny tears (fissures) or hemorrhoids, but advice here should never substitute for keeping your MD up-to-date on what is going on with you. That said, stool softeners are available over the counter (docusate sodium or docusate calcium--generic Colace or Surfak) and are cheap. Like fiber foods and MOM, they work best when you exercise, and drink PLENTY OF WATER. It's the decrease in these, plus less food overall, that results in constipation after VBG/RNY. Don't take Metamucil or other pills/ppowders without MD approval--they can bunch up and plug your stoma. Best wishes, Jesse
   — Jesse M.

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