When do you get your sex drive back?

I am 15 months post op and have lost 120 pounds. Everything has returned to normal EXCEPT my sex drive. I have ZERO desire for my husband. After losing so much weight, I expected this area to improve!!! Instead, it has gone in the opposite direction. Does anyone have any advise? Is there a "miracle" drug out there? My husband has been a great support but this has gone entirely too long!!! It's like the sexual side of me has been removed. Thanks!!!    — [Anonymous] (posted on May 30, 2001)

May 30, 2001
Don't feel alone. I am only 8 monthes postop but I've been feeling the same way. Good luck!
   — [Anonymous]

May 30, 2001
I am 10 weeks post op and have no sex drive at all..all the energy that I can muster is just in getting out bed to go to work and sex is the last thing on my mind...I do hope this changes...
   — [Anonymous]

May 30, 2001
I am so glad to hear there are others that have lost there sex drive.. I had RNY 13 mos ago 4/18/00 and my sex drive is 0!! My husband is none to happy.. and I don't know if there is anything out there to help?? I also, would love some feedback on this if others have a idea that has worked for them..
   — Debbie R.

May 30, 2001
6 mos postop and I have the same feelings. I am female. Do men have the same "neutered" feelings as we girls do postop?
   — [Anonymous]

May 30, 2001
I havent had any sex drive either. I wish I knew why. My hubby has been totally supportive and wonderful so I dont think it's him. When I was 254#'s I had no problem doin the wild thing.... Now that I'm 150, I am totally turned off. What's up with that? I am glad I am not alone though!
   — [Anonymous]

May 31, 2001
Have your hormones checked out as they may be playing a factor in this. Also if you are on antidepresents talk w/ your Dr about another kind perhaps. If not try a counselor there may be some underlying issues you need to resolve. I wish you luck.
   — Dawn R.

May 31, 2001
Wow. glad I'm not the only one. My husband and I had an argument about this just this week.
   — Cheryl L.

May 31, 2001
I've lost 80 pounds and I'm terribly self-conscious about the way I look naked........more so that when I weight 390 pounds.
   — Nanette T.

May 31, 2001
I think there are many factors as to why this can happen (it happened to me too). One is the hormones in our bodies are all whacked out due to the rapid weightloss. From what I have heard, estrogen is stored in fat- when the fat goes, the estrogen wreaks havoc on our emotions. Secondly, and I can only speak for myself, sex drive can be affected by self esteem (again- this is ME:). Even after I lost 100 pounds, it took a while for my self esteem to catch up to me- even though when I was huge, sex was ok. When I think I used to weigh 138 pounds MORE than I do now, I can get down on myself and my self esteem suffers, and therefore my wants or needs for sex. Along with that, many of us have fears of being happy and can self destruct when we are happy- again, I am talking about myself here. I also have found that since my body is totally different, my turn ons are totally different too. My body feels sensations totally differently (not to get too detailed:) My suggestion? Talk to your gynocolgist first, then maybe a therapist or counselor about the changes you have experienced in such a short time to see if you can shed some light on your feelings. Good Luck! It does get better, by the way:)
   — M B.

May 31, 2001
See a doctor about getting on a low level of testosterone. Sounds like you might need it. But make sure you get a doctor who knows what he is doing. A lady does'nt need to much. Good luck.
   — Danmark

July 25, 2001
Wow...I feel the same way. My problem is that I have no desire to have sex with my husband, but the desire is there...
   — [Anonymous]

November 27, 2003
I certainly can feel your concern first hand. It has been 2 years now since my Roux-N-Y and I still have a poor libido. I can have an orgasm now maybee once every 3 months if I really work at it...before I was multiorgasmic in one day. I am on Celexa (antidepressant) 20mg/day. I have lost 90lbs. This has been a bothersome issue and my primary Dr. and OB are at loss at what is the problem. I am 56 years old and had a very good sex drive and now nothing. I have been on the antidepressants for 3 yrs. My Husband wants sex every night and I did too once..It is really difficult... S.
   — Susan H.

December 4, 2003
My wife and I both take Prozac. That stuff has killed our Sex Drive. So other than wishing that was not so we do not fight over it. BUt I sure miss it. We are preop . My hope is the depresion over the pain my wieght causes me will lift after surgery so I can get off Prozac. Hope is were it is at for me right now.
   — Michael B.

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