Has anyone suffer anemia before surgery ?

have been having trouble with anemia, can not find a reason been taking iron 2 times daily and still real low. supposed to have surgery next week help...please....    — Kathy F. (posted on August 12, 2001)

August 12, 2001
hi i can relate to this problem i will be having surgery this week and was told this past week that i was anemic. but im not so low that i my surgery will be postponed; I was told to up my iron intake...i take 1 a day..and was told to up the dosage to 3 so my iron will be a normal range...try uping your dosage to 3 a day.....that should raise your iron..hope it helps.
   — [Anonymous]

August 12, 2001
i posted the anonymous response wanted to clear it up i meant i take 1 iron pill a day and to update your iron pill intake to 3 a day...
   — [Anonymous]

August 12, 2001
I also had to up my iron pills three times a day in order to increase my levels. Aren't there some other forms of iron that are absorbed better buy our bodies, you may want to check with your doctor.
   — Michelle H.

August 12, 2001
I know that this is NOT what you want to hear but, yes, I suffered "slight" anemia before the surgery although the doctor failed to even tell me about it. I found this out after surgery. I now suffer "severe" anemia, have iron shots each and every week now for life, and still, my anemia is very very low and will not get back to normal. I am not saying that this happens to other people but, just keep in mind that it "can" happen. I had the BPD/DS and possibly this anemia is from the lack of absorption. I just want people to know that this can and might happen to some and to be aware of it. Having anemia before surgery certainly can't be a good thing for after surgery. I know that people will disagree and I also know that the only reason that I tell these things is because there are not many people who tell the "other" side of things. Again, this might be because I am not in the majority and most people have no problems but...they "can" and "do" occur at times like with me. Good luck to you.
   — Barbara H.

August 12, 2001
Ferrous SULFATE is not particularly well absorbed by anyone, but very poorly by someone who has not got normal digestive function. One presumes they have done the "poop on a card" test for occult blood to make sure you're not bleeding from inside? My dad & I were both chronically anemic (as normies), and both diagnosed with diverticulosis (itis is when it goes nuts & attacks). His was severe enough to need surgery, mine is controlled & WLS has not affected it. But both of us were losing blood in such small volume as to not be noticable. Slow leak. If you are taking iron as a normie and it is not coming up, I'd be sure to try a few different forms of iron, with C, never with milk or caffeine or Tums or calcium or any other meds, just with C and if that doesn't make it fluctuate, I'd not be willing to go into surgery without further testing.
   — vitalady

August 14, 2001
I also am borderline anemic. I donated blood to myself as I am having my surgery done on 8/22 just in case I need it. However my dr is doing a colonoscopy and endoscopy tomorrow as a precaution to make sure I am not bleeding internally. Though i am sure you DONT want to have these done...maybe you should as your dr. Better safe than sorry.
   — Annette W.

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