My Doctor wants to do a long limb RNY insurance will only approve short

My doctor wants to do a long limb open RNY but my insurance will only cover for a short limb open RNY so I have no choice but to go for short. My surgery date is Aug. 13. Has anyone had a short and weighed 340 lbs and if so how much and fast have you lost? Do you think you're having less problems afterwards in the after effects of this surgery verses the long limb?    — Debbie A. (posted on August 9, 2002)

August 8, 2002
Hi, Debbie - I had 150cm bypassed - (I don't know long or short limb but I beleive most likely short)and 1yr postop I am @ a "normal" BMI! I have had no complications and no regrets. Sorry I don't have a clearer answer for you. Best of luck!
   — Jean K.

August 8, 2002
If it is a difference in price, can you pay the difference? Would that satify your insurance? Just wondering.
   — Danmark

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