Has anyone had surgery when they are Factor V Leiden?

My mom is factor v leiden and I just had to have lab work to find out if I have it too. My surgeon's assistant said they'll have to review my tests results and if I have's up to the surgeon todetermine if she feels comfortable doing the surgery!!! Has anyone had this experience?    — kathleen-Joan piper (posted on March 31, 2003)

March 31, 2003
Hi I just had seen an advertisment on DVT, and there is a good artical on ,and how people prepare for surgery. Good luck on your journey
   — wizz46

April 1, 2003
I have Factor V. I had a pulmonary embolism in 1998. I'm only 32. I am on Coumadin for the rest of my life. I am currently waiting for my consultation with the surgeon for gastric bypass. I am hoping they will approve it. I've talked to several people online that have had a gastric bypass with Factor V and they have done great! I'll let you know what my surgeon says!
   — A M.

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