Waiting to have surgery..what causes rotten egg breath?

I asked this already but I think people read a little too quickly and saw post-op instead of I'll try again! Every now and than I'll get this awful taste in my mouth ...usually in the early morning where it tastes like something has fermented in my stomach. I'll have this pressurized feeling as I'm lying there almost like something's going to I sit up and this rumbling from deep down my stomach occurs and all of a sudden this hellicious belch comes out that tastes only what I can imagine a rotten egg either smells or tastes like. Or, on the other hand instead of a belch, the other end will come into play.. just as nasty. What causes this? Should I see my Dr. about this? Is this a gallbladder thing? I notice this especially seem to happen if I've had a meal with meat in it that evening. Doesn't seem to matter what kind of meat or how it's been prepared. I'm trying to say greasy or not it doesn't seem to matter. I mainly have this acidic/fermented feeling in my stomach and esphagus(sorry about spelling!!) I'm wondering if this is normal and should I be worried. If there is something wrong, will they catch whatever in any of the pre-op testings you have to do prior to surgery? Any insight someone has would be greatly appreciated. Especially if you have experienced this yourself ..PRE-OP. thanks a bunch!!!    — kathleen-Joan piper (posted on April 7, 2003)

April 6, 2003
Sounds like GERD, does it occur at night? Do mention it to your surgeon and PCP. There are ant acids that will clear this right up.
   — bob-haller

April 7, 2003
Are you eating anything that contains sulfur? Like dehydrated fruits?? I find that those give me burps and gas that smells like rotten eggs!
   — SMG I.

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