I've recently been diagnosed with gastroparesis. My gastroenterologist seems to

think WLS is not a good idea. Has anyone else had this problem?    — sheila C. (posted on December 10, 2003)

December 10, 2003
Hi, Sheila: I don't have this problem, but my grandmother does; it was brought on by her diabetes. Essentially, the smooth muscles in her stomach don't work any more and can't move food along properly. She takes meds for it; I'm not sure how much they help. <p>I can't offer much in the way of advice, but your best bet would probably be to talk to a weight loss surgeon.</p> <p>Good luck to you!
   — Moysa B.

December 10, 2003
Hi I had gastroparesis and my wls surgeon siad the surgery would resolve it and it did. The portion of the stomach that is the culprit is the section they partition off. I have had no symptoms since my surgery 18 months ago and prior to that I had it bad where food wouldnt digest for days ..well you know the rest LOL I am a type 1 diabetic that is how I ended up with it. I would certainly consult with a surgeon as he is the one that does the procedure and even MD's can be ignorant/umeducated on other specialties. Best wishes to you, Lesley
   — Lesley T.

December 11, 2003
I've never been "diagnosed" with gastroparesis, but pre-op felt very sure that I had it. I had many of the symptoms - constipation, early fullness, food not digesting. I spoke with my surgeon about it, and he seemed unconcerned about the possibility of my having this condition, saying essentially that the surgery would take care of it. HE WAS RIGHT!
   — sweetmana

December 11, 2003
Sorry - i hit return before i meant to! What i meant to say was since the surgery, i haven't had a day of discomfort from (what i felt was) gastroparesis. In fact, i would venture to say that my digestive system has never been healthier. The constipation, acid reflux, early fullness and bloating are all gone - and to be free of all that is almost enough reason on its own to have this surgery. the weight loss is a wonderful bonus! (PROXIMAL Open RNY, 7/7/03, 227/165/132)
   — sweetmana

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