How serious is this surgery

I never had surgery before ..    — Debbie E. (posted on July 24, 2001)

July 24, 2001
Debbie, This is MAJOR abdominal surgery. It is not a decision to be entered into lightly. That doesn't mean that it's an unacceptable risk, it just means that it is very serious and should only be done if you really need it, want it, and are ready to commit to it for a lifetime. Go luck!
   — BethVBG

July 24, 2001
Hi Debbie, This is most definitely a serious surgery. It's something only you can determine for yourself if it's right for you. Talk to your doctor, talk to others who have had the surgery. Then you'll have a better idea.
   — [Anonymous]

July 24, 2001
This surgery is as serious as any surgery. You would be contimplating the same thing to have your eyes repaired - but would you be worrying so much if you appendix burst? How serious is this surgery. I asked myself, am I really going to beable to make a life time commitment. there will be no going back the next day. Thats what this surgery does. It is your own coach from within. It helps keep you in line, keep disciplined so that you can make your self healthy. Some people havent reached the point to where they have so many health problems that even though the seriousness of the surgery occurs to them, it is minor to the seriousness of staying in the unhealthy predictament were in now. So for me it's a question of how dangerious is this operation. And my answer to myself is that it is less dangerous than risking dying from sleep apnea, or a heart attack which is very likely, or having a hysterectomy so that my weight will not give me cancer. It is a personal decision that you must make on your own. Given you comorbid conditons. Is it serious enough to try one more diet? Is it serious enough to wait until our weigh becomes more disabling? Only you can answer that question. Good Luck
   — K T.

July 26, 2001
Debbie, a surgeon on another web site described RNY as follows, "On a scale of 1-10, if heart bypass surgery is a 10, then RNY is an 8." Colleen, Lap RNY, 6/29/01, - 51 lbs
   — CaseyinLA

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