My older sister has MS can anyone tell me how their MS has reacted to WLS?

   — Amy M. (posted on October 8, 2001)

October 8, 2001
I was diagnosed with MS 3 years ago. I am on all the standard drugs to keep my symptoms from flaring. I was told by my surgeon that I shouldn't wait to have surgery as the more my mobility becomes impaired the less chance of having a good, full recovery. I had an open RNY 6 weeks ago without any complications. I was unable to have an epidural for pain control as they could not get in due to the MS and spinal lesions. It was not a problem for me as they hooked me up to the Morphine drip as soon as I was awake in recovery. I was up walking the next morning without any problems. I have lost 48 lbs and am feeling great. I have no regrets. I knew in my heart that it would only be a matter of time before I ended up in a wheelchair from the MS and/or obesity. I have no control over the MS so I had to do what I had to do to keep from being wheelchair bound. I am now back on all my MS meds and have not had a flare up since surgery. I wish you and your sister well.
   — Kelly H.

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