Weight Loss Meds To Break Plateau?

Has anyone tried weight loss meds (such as Metabolife 356) to break their plateau? I am thinking about trying it, but am a little scared. I just started on regular foods and haven't lost anything in two weeks... getting frustrated!    — [Anonymous] (posted on November 6, 2001)

November 6, 2001
metabolife and such product that you can buy in drugstore or elsewhere were not making you lose weight pre-op... it will not help you post op either... look at your water, protein and exercice level... plateau are normal... anoying but normal...
   — carou1313

November 6, 2001
Well if you are just starting regular foods then you are pretty much "newly post op". Plateaus are normal and will pass. Some last for days, some last for weeks.....At your stage I think this is what's happening....You have been eating next to nothing and your body is going into "starvation mode". The body, right now, thinks it is starving so it is holding on to what it has. Perfectly normal. Continue eating and the body will see that it is NOT starving and will start letting go of the pounds again. You may just wake up one morning and suddenly have lost 5, 10 pounds. It happens all the time. So RELAX. Also, don't weigh yourself all the time. Once a month is best. Oh, and another could be losing inches when the pounds aren't coming off. Inches do not show up on the scale. Good luck!
   — Kim B.

November 6, 2001
You are just beginning the journey, please have a little patience. An earlier poster was correct, if you are eating correctly, drinking all your water and getting some exersize, you'll lose weight. But you won't lose weight every week. My pattern was to remain stable for two or three weeks and then to lose 5 or 6 pounds in one week. I admit it was a little frustrating in the early day, but once I recognized my patter, I relaxed and lost 110bs. in a 13 months. Just follow the rules and don't start sabotaging your surgery. If Metabolife and other concoctions worked, why would you have had wls???????
   — [Anonymous]

November 8, 2001
Thank You! Your answers are all so sensible. I usually am a sensible person too... guess I was just frustrated. You have helped bunches!
   — [Anonymous]

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