I am scheduled for a hernia repair in one week, and my 6 month post-op bloodwork came

back that my iron and b-12 are low...will i have to postpone surgery? my pcp hasnt gotten back to me and i havent contacted my surgeon!!!!    — jamie M. (posted on November 7, 2001)

November 7, 2001
My iron and B-12 were very low. My iron was at 7.2 with the bottom of the normal range being 12.0. After 4 weeks of oral iron pills, I'm up to 8.5. Now, the doctor wants me taking 6 iron pills a day and wants to see me in 4 weeks. Have you been taking all of your vitamins, etc.? I know that I was getting very lax about it and it caught up with me. I realize now how important it is to keep taking them. So, don't miss any!
   — newmexico

November 7, 2001
B12 is a funny little guy It can't be absorbed from a swallow-pill for us, but we have fair success with sublinguals, IF we are starting from normal. Once down, you might have to start the shots to get up in normal ranges. Iron is really fussy. Ferrous sulfate is useless for us, so if you get an OTC iron, just make sure it is ferrous fumarate or carbonyl irons (for example), and take with vit C, but not with milk, caffeine, Tums or any antiacids oa any other meds, for at least an hour. All that will enhance absorption.
   — vitalady

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