How high can your blood pressure be before your surgeon postpones

or cancels your surgery date? I have had occasional, but only slightly high BP this last year. My preop testing was 12-17. My BP was 182/77. Today when I got my allergy shot I had the nurse take my BP and it was 184/100. I saw my PCP this afternoon. He thinks my elevated BP is due to anxiety, and that it will come down after my surgery on 12-27. To be on the safe side he prescribed Norvasc 5 mg. Think I had anxiety before? Well think about what I am experiencing now. My insurance approval is only good until 12-31. Has this ever happened to anyone?    — Judith A. (posted on December 19, 2001)

December 19, 2001
My BP was running about with yours pre-op (history of High BP and anxiety) and my surgeon done mine anyway and immediately after surgery my BP came way down (120 / 65-70) and stayed that way... I don't know why or even if it's normal but , I would express this as a concern to your surgeon, he may discount it as something that they will take care of if they have to during surgery or maybe your BP will come down with this "relaxer" they gave you... Good luck on your journey!
   — Elizabeth D.

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