Protein in milk and after exersize...

I know, another protein question... I DID look in the library, but couldn't find a whole answer. Alright, I've been depending on milk and dairy products for most of my protein. I read that we don't absorb protein from milk? Is that true?? Why can we absorb it from other foods, but not milk? Second protein question... Why are we supposed to get protien right after workingout? How much do we need? What happens if we don't get it? I hadn't even heard of this until this weekend- I'm confused! Thanks for all your help!    — Angela B. (posted on February 4, 2002)

February 4, 2002
I drink skim milk 2-3 times per day and have found it to be an excellent source of nutrition and protein. Who told you we couldn't absorb protein from dairy sources? This doesn't make sense. Especially since most doctors highly recommend cheese, etc. Drink milk and enjoy. I have done this for the last year and have lost 160+ lbs.
   — Terissa R.

February 4, 2002
It is harder to absorb protein from food sources due to the fact that it must break down into amino acids before absorption. One reason why a lot of people supplement with protein drinks is that it is already broken down into amino acids. You will still have a chance of the protein breaking down (it uses the stomach acid to do this) once that protein hits the common channel (where stomach acid from your old stomach meets it)...but there are those that aren't willing to take the chance that it will even absorb then. I drink about 4 oz of milk daily (I mix a splash or 2 in my protein shakes). I don't count the protein but I do count the calcium. I haven't finished my calcium research yet to determine how much of that is absorbed and how. Lastly, protein is supposedly better absorbed after strenuous exercise when the muscles have been stressed and can more easily receive it. Nothing happens if you don't have protein right after a work out. But due to the fact that this surgery works so well with the malabsorption factor, you want to try to do whatever you can to maximize absorption of ALL vitamins and minerals. If we had "normal" systems, maximum absorption wouldn't be that big of an issue. Good luck and God Bless!
   — Kimberly L.

February 4, 2002
My nutritionist specifically TOLD me to drink a few cups of skim milk a day. She said it's a great way to get your protein in. She said that some other nutritionits and doctors may say not to because of calories, but she said the calories aren't bad, and it's mainly protein. I drink some every day!
   — Goldilauxx B.

February 4, 2002

   — Angela B.

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