i've been feeling great i'm down 85 lbs but i am staying depressed my husband acts .

so old i'm not old i'm confused I want to live he likes to just watch tv. We have been maried a long time but i have changed I want to have fun enjoying beeing young he makes me feel old I don't know what to do any advice would be greatly appreciated thanks    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 25, 2002)

February 25, 2002
Your hubby has probably been your 'best' friend for a long time. I bet if you just get up and go you will find him tagging along before long... he'll see the fun he's missing out on. Good Luck :)
   — DonnaCarol

February 25, 2002
I have to agree with the previous poster. If your husband doesn't want to go out, find a friend and go without him. I have a dear friend whose husband's idea of a great night is the TV and the remote control. She goes out with friends and they're both happy with that arrangement. If your husband objects to that, then you might want to get some counseling for yourself, even if he won't go, and decide if that's the kind of marriage you want.
   — garw

February 25, 2002
Hi..We have ALOT in common. If youd like you can email me at [email protected]. Maybe having someone to talk to that understands the situation will be good... for us both :-)
   — Deanna B.

February 25, 2002
hi..thought id put in my 2 cents worth... i try to remeber when i am feeling sooo alive and full of energy that it was ME who had the surgery not HIM so he isnt going to having the feel good estrogen being released from his fat racing round his body.... the way i am solving this is going for more beach walks..its summer in nz..and doing more physical things to up his energy as it got a bit depleted when he sat around while i was getting overweight...
   — Rachel F.

February 25, 2002
Maybe you could "jump start" him a bit by planning an activity based on his likes. Example- my husband loves anything with an engine. I'm sure I could talk him into a car show or a stock car race a whole lot easier than a day of antiquing or a picnic at the beach. Blobbing in front of the t.v. can just become a comfortable habit. Once he sees that doing different and more active things with your spare time is fun, he'll probably be as enthusiastic as you are.
   — Bobbie B.

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