Why do I have nights when Im sleeping that Im clearing my throat of strange things

When Im sleeping some nights I will have a sensation that I have to clear my throat. Sometimes it will be items such as rocks, nails, hard rice, sharp pieces of glass or ice, and most embarrising at times poop and barf. Am I mental or is this from sleep apnea. Thanks for answering such a strange question.    — Geralyn (posted on March 8, 2002)

March 8, 2002
Are you on any medications of any kind? Especially for depression etc? I have GERD (acid reflux) as well as high blood pressure and sleep apnea. I have noticed that when I have a bad bout of the GERD it's especially rough now with using a CPAP machine. Also, certain anti-depressants or sleep aids are a BAD idea for someone who does indeed have sleep apnea...can make us almost comatose. I haven't experienced quite what you're describing but I have had some really wacked out nightmares. P.S. no such thing as a strange question among AMOS friends :) - Anna
   — Anna L.

March 8, 2002
I am due for sleep testing soon, due to similar experiences to what you are having. I have dreams that I am drowning and cannot get a breath. I am in a pool trying to surface, and feel the actual burning of my lungs and pounding of my heart. I had another dream where my husband was choking me and I could not breathe. (No real choking episodes in my marriage!) Many times after these episodes, I wake up choking. The DR said it sounds very much like obstructive sleep apnea. I think what you are experiencing could be something similar.
   — ScatCat

March 8, 2002
I always rember my dreams. Before I had my CPAP machine I had dreams of being chased but not being able to run. Kind of stuck and being out of breath but not being able to breathe. sometimes I would dream that I had something stuck in my throat but I was paralyzed and could not clear it. I got the machine and no more of those dreams. It sure helped me get the best night's sleep I have had in years. Good Luck
   — Robert L.

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