Will insurance pay for a tummy tuck along with a hernia? Will surgeons do both at

the same time?    — jeff P. (posted on March 17, 2002)

March 17, 2002
I can't speak from experience, but I can tell you that my surgeon told me some of his patients hope to have a hernia so they can get a TT paid. There are surgeons who do them both in the same and these patients who have been approved for the hernia repair, are also able to have insurance pay for the TT (since it is in the same surgery).
   — emilyfink

March 17, 2002
I went to a plastic surgeon for my hernia repair and abdominoplasty (as well as a breast lift). Insurance refused to pay for the abdominoplasty, and actually denied the hernia repair as well, based on their belief that we were making it up to try and get the abdominoplasty covered! They refused to authorize payment on the hernia until after the surgery so they could review the surgical notes. I went through three appeals on the abdominoplasty and they did finally agree to cover it and reimbursed me the cost. -Kate-
   — kateseidel

August 6, 2005
YES & YES. My insurance company took their time in approving it but I have a large ventral hernia with an apron. The "primary" surgery is the tummy tuck and the secondary is the hernia repair. The weight of your loose skin can make you a higher statistic for the hernia reoccuring therefore the medical neccessity for a tummy tuck.
   — Connie P.

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