Can you have surgery without being totally put under?

that is a big and only fear of getting surgery ;being totally out in case i need to ask for assistance afterwards but can't wake up!!!    — Dia C. (posted on March 26, 2002)

March 25, 2002
An anesthesiologist can control exactly how deep you go under and can wake you up any time he/she wants. I didn't even feel groggy after my surgery, and asking for help was no problem at all. I know everybody has odd fears related to one thing or another, but really, you should NOT have fear related to anesthesia. It's really a cinch. You go to sleep and you wake up fixed. Surgery's a breeze.
   — Terissa R.

March 26, 2002
I agree with the previous answers, I only wanted to add that my only problem after waking up was hitting the correct button on the bed to call for help. I'd either raise my legs or lower my head every time I tried to hit the call button. They sure would laugh when I'd say why I'd called and "would you fix my bed back for me, too".
   — blank first name B.

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