What hurts more a breast reduction or WLS open?

I had a breast reduction 10 years ago and wondered what was more painfull. A breast reduction or WLS open by-pass?    — Diane M. (posted on April 1, 2002)

April 1, 2002
I have not had WLS, but I have read other reports on this website that a BR is much much much more painful. I had a BR two years ago, and it was more painful than the open ovarian surgery I had. Good luck
   — Michelle H.

April 1, 2002
I've had both and no doubt, the WLS Open hurts much worse.
   — Danmark

April 1, 2002
I'm still pre-op Open RNY, but I did have BR about 5 years ago and I never felt one once of pain. I can only hope the same will be true for this surgery. If you keep up with the pain meds, take them regularly, (if it says every 4 hours, the TAKE THEM EVERY FOUR HOURS!) then the pain should be minimal. Although, you do have to use stomach muscles to get up and down, so I'm sure there will be some discomfort there, unlike with BR, you don't use the muscles there for anything, and you're all bound up tight in gauze, and sterile padding, and surgical bra, so nothing moves there. I will be able to tell you for certain in about a month or so. :)
   — KelBurt

April 1, 2002
I had a breast reduction 6 yrs ago and had very little pain. I am 3 wks post-op open RNY and have had serious pain (managed with meds) up until a few days ago. I have also given birth naturally to a 10 1/2 baby. The RNY pain still wins, hands-down, but if you stay on top of the meds, you'll be fine.
   — Jennifer C

April 1, 2002
I know everyone has a different pain threshold here is my input for what it's worth. Open RNY was a BREEZE!!! I was up walking 2 1/2 hrs after they took me to my room from recovery. I have had several abdominal surgeries in the past being cut from hip to hip and they were more painful to me. Just remember that most of us would do this all over again even though it was painful!!! Best of luck!
   — Kathy J.

April 1, 2002
   — SHEILA M.

April 1, 2002
I had a laparoscopic tubal ligation 13 yrs ago-worse pain I've ever had in my life, and not from the gas either. I had a breast reduction 10 yrs ago, it was more of an extreme discomfort rather than painful. Lap rny was no more painful than tubal, I think perhaps less. I'm sorry but I've never had any open surgery so I can't address that. Best wishes
   — jsuggs

April 2, 2002
An open WLS for sure! I had both and I don't think there was any comparison at all. But am glad that I had the WLS just the same. 6 wks post op and 45 lbs less. I am thrilled and the pain of the surgery is becoming a distant memory!
   — Ann B.

August 29, 2002
I've had both, and the WLS is definitely more painful. I was supposed to have a laproscopic GRDS procedure but they had to open me up because of all the internal scar tissue they found. They couldn't move the instruments around well enough to complete the suregery with confidence, so I woke up with a huge incision that I wasn't expecting. Get the lap procedure if you can. Recovery is shorter and less painful.
   — Lee Ann M.

August 29, 2002
i have to strongly disagree with everybody. i had a breast reduction 6 years ago and it was absoutely the worst thing i've ever gone through. i've had two children delivered naturally, my gall bladder removed the old fashioned way, and other surgeries, but breast reduction was by far the worst....WLS was a walk in the park for me...
   — candymom64

August 29, 2002
BR for me hurt SO BAD, and I had mine as an 'outpatient' (had surgery, went home). Kind of like a drive thru operation. I also remember when the nerves were becoming "alive" again or whatever they called it- gosh the twinges! the sensitivity! Aughhhh! I also lived in the hills/snow- and driving around with Hubby, all I remember is holding onto my poor bandaged boobies, trying to not feel EVERY bump, every snow drift in our 4WD....
   — Karen R.

January 7, 2004
i had gastric bypass on oct 7 2003 and a breast reduction on dec 30 2003 3 months apart and i am going to be totally honest becuase i am feeling the pain..the breast reducton is a whole lot painful the gastric bypass was sore for about 20 hrs but this breast reduction is so sore and shocking because all of sudden you have these little breast i had a top doctor do the surgery so i know that it was done right but it was just a painful procedure, butit was totally worth it good luck
   — LATOYA C.

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