has anyone ever had dumping last 3 days! Also does anyone get dizzy while dummping?

On friday i got very dizy...lasted untill sunday could this possbly be dumping? went to hospital all blood work came out fine!!! Was sehydrated but lord i felt bad!    — Amanda G. (posted on April 8, 2002)

April 8, 2002
Sounds like maybe you caught a bug of some kind...My family just had a virus with the exact symptoms. Hope you feel better!
   — ScatCat

April 8, 2002
My husband "dumped" 3 days post-op and it was hell for about 20 minutes. It was likely "late dumping" which you can read more about it this article: Basically, "dumping" has to do with food being dumped too quickly into the small bowel, as the entire stomach cannot provide the same time and techniques to kind of pre-process the food before the small bowel gets it (something like that). We think that grape juice, sugar free but VERY high in natural sugar, was the culprit. I'm very sorry that you had that experience. Maybe you didn't have a dumping experience at all, but I highly recommend knowing how to avoid dumping as it can include symptoms such as palpitations, cramping, sweating, among others. Hang in there!
   — Katy G.

April 9, 2002
Sounds to me that you might of just had some type of a flu or even food poisoning. Dumping doesn't normally last 3 days.
   — Dell H.

April 9, 2002
hi Amanda, sounds like dehydration to me. Dizziness is a very common symptom of dehydration. Take care to get enough water in.
   — Eva C.

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