Would it be ok to drink lots of alcohol three days before surgery?

I am graduating college April 27th and all of my friends will be partying hard. I want to join them, but I am worried that it will somehow affect things for my surgery April 30th. Would this be a really bad idea or should I live it up while I can? Please don't bash me for asking...I don't plan on drinking after surgery or anything.    — Kelly M. (posted on April 21, 2002)

April 21, 2002
With something that potentially serious I'd really encourage you to call your doctor. I would think alcohol would be out of your system in a few days, but don't risk something that serious on an opinion. Just give your doctor a quick call and ask. Then you can know for sure. Better to be safe when you're about to go into a serious operation. Good Luck!
   — Laurie Z.

April 21, 2002
Hi There~ Just my input... I just got the packet of pre-op testing dates and do's and do not's before my surgery date (may 23). I had to sign a form that said the I had been alcohol, drug and tobacco free for 30-90 days before surgery. But I understand this is a very special time for you and on the flip side this is a very special time for you to be in tip-top shape for surgery. I would say to call your doctor and make sure one way or another... Good Luck and congrad's of surgery and graduating. WoooHoo on both accords!!!!!! Candi
   — Candi B.

April 21, 2002
You can party and have fun without alcohol. This surgery forces you to learn how to live without needing certain crutches. Congratulations.
   — faybay

April 21, 2002
Kelly, I think you can be at the party w/o doing any of the drinking. You could even hold a beer in your hand, and as everyone else is partying you could pour it down the sink, etc., and/or hold on to the same drink for hours and no one will probably even notice, thus being in the party atmosphere w/o actually taking part. You could be the designated driver this nite. I've been in similar situations with FOOD since my surgery. I have gone out to eat with the "girls" who don't know I had the surgery. I ordered a burger and fries, went to the salad bar, picked at food and swore I was so full from the salad bar that I asked for my meal in a to-go box when it was time to leave. I don't think anyone noticed that I wasn't really eating like I used to. And young lady, I am so proud of you that you are (1) graduating college and (2) taking charge of your life by having this surgery. You will not regret it. Sounds like you have your head on straight. You go girl! Keep on going till you have a PHD next to your name!
   — blank first name B.

April 21, 2002
My pre-op instructions say no alcohol for the 4 days before surgery. Congratulations!
   — Heather H.

April 21, 2002
I have noticed that alot of your answers are more about how you can have fun w/out alcohol rather than a straight answer to your question. I am someone who loves to drink wine and will be forced to go without after surgery. I know what it is like for you to want to live it up. However, alcohol thins your blood. You can more easily have complications from massive blood loss during surgery. If your blood is too thin it will be hard for doctors to control the blood flow. This is also why doctors say no aspirin or ibuprofen before surgery. I would advise against drinking that close to surgery for safety reasons alone. Good luck with your upcoming surgery. And also congratulations on two very important milestones. Your new life after surgery and your new life after college!! Take care of yourself!
   — Karen W.

April 22, 2002
I would not drink! One of the biggest complications with this surgery is predamage to the liver. Every drink,every thing we eat, meds, etc. are all filtered through the liver. When you have surgery you want your body to be as close to 100% as possible being MO. Those few days of drinking could change that. You can still have something in your hand: juice, soda, virgin drinks, etc. but really think. You've made a super accomplishment in graduating! You are taking on a fantastic goal of having this surgery and losing weight so don't blow it with a couple of days of drinking. This surgery will be the start of a new life for you with responsibilities of taking good care of yourself then so why not start it a few days early! Congratulations graduate!
   — AJC750

April 22, 2002
I certainly would not get rip roaring drunk 72 hours before major surgery. Personally, I would even do any hard partying the week before surgery. Have fun, eat what you want, enjoy your graduation. But, I'd go easy on the alcohol. It's good practice anyway...(lol)
   — margaret N.

April 22, 2002
Kelly, I think hard partying could adversely affect you that close to your surgery. You'll definitely have to change your alcohol consumption habits post-op. If you truly want to party I would suggest postponing your surgery date. It's up to you to decide what's more important to you. I can understand your desire to do both, but I just don't think it's safe to do them both in the same week. Congratulations, and best wishes for a healthy and happy future!
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 22, 2002
Thank you for all of your answers. Getting drunk isn't that big of a deal to me anyway, and after reading through all of your answers, I have decided that it would probably be best for me not to drink this weekend.
   — Kelly M.

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