I am on the Pill, but my period keeps coming mid-pack. Why??

I had been on the Pill pre-op with great success. I have PCOS, and it really helped regulate my system. I KNOW that because of my weightloss (I am 4 months out, 52 pounds down, Open RNY) my hormones are going crazy. I understand that estrogen is being naturally released from all those cells losing fat. But why aren't my pills (Ortho Tricyclin) helping keep my cycle regular? I've started my period on the third week of my last two packs- is it that this brand isn't effective now? Should I wait and see if my body adjusts? Thanks for your help!    — Angela B. (posted on May 7, 2002)

May 7, 2002
Same thing here. I am 12 weeks post op and this month's cycle came a week and a half early. I do not have PCOS and my cycles have always been regular to the day. During my hospital stay I had a second period that month even though my regular cycle had stopped the week before. I started birth control again and things were fine these past 2 months until now. I am using LO/OVRAL, so I don't think it is the brand. It must just be the hormonal changes and the flood of estrogen. Sorry I can't offer any answer, but I can tell you that you aren't alone. For now, I just stopped the pill pack and plan to start a new one again after this cycle.
   — [Deactivated Member]

May 7, 2002
This may be totally unrelated, but this happened to me before I had the surgery. And come to find out, my pills werent the right strength. I ended up pregnant. Wouldnt change a thing now, but if I had just had the surgery I would be worried. Anyway, my opinion is that you should tell your doctor right away and see if you need a different strength or combination of pills. It may be nothing, but better safe than sorry at this point. Good luck!!
   — Cory F.

May 7, 2002
It's called breakthrough bleeding... call your doc cause it sounds like you need a higher dose. Good luck!
   — Ann B.

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