I was wondering if very loose diarreha is considered dumping,?

I never throw up, but if I eat something that doesn't agree with my pouch, I get really bad diarreha within 10 minutes or so, also I have been having dizzty spells, could this be because I haven't been getting in enough water? and protein? I would also like to speed up my weight loss, any advice would be greatly appreciated?I have lost 71 pounds and 42.5 inches since February 27 of this year..valita    — bikerchic (posted on June 9, 2002)

June 9, 2002
Hi Valita.... Sounds like dumping to me. If I eat something I shouldn't or too much of something, I get the diarrhea within about 15 min, sweaty, a little dizzy and just lie down till it passes. The diarrhea for me goes on for about an hour on and off then passes. I too am losing slowly (40# in 9 wks) and this week put a plan into action: I started working our 3-4x a week at Curves for Women, I drink about 64-80 oz of water a day, I do an exercise video at lunchtime at work and I'm avoiding carbs more. I'm really pushing the protein. I feel really good so hopefully it will work. I also do a banana every other day which has taken away leg cramps. My best to you.
   — AJC750

June 9, 2002
According to the diectican who teaches classes for all the Denver metro docs, this is dumping. <p> Dumping is caused by simple sugars being 'dumped' into the small intestine very quickly and not having a chance to be absorbed. This causes water to be pulled into the intestines causing cramping, sudden watgery diarrhea and sometimes a dizzy, shaky, sweaty reaction (hypoglycemia). It is not caused by starches or fat.
   — garw

June 9, 2002
I have had a similar reaction, though it can hit me hours after whatever I ate has affected me, and its not just from sugar, but from fats. For example, I had chicken in a pita (grilled chicken, lettuce, tomato, onion and sour cream sauce) at the County Fair and ate 1/2 of it. 2 hours later, cramps, diahrea, dizziness hit me. Wasn't sure it was the pita as I had also had some fruit and a chocolate chip cookie but later that same night I hate the other 1/2 of the pita and the next morning had the same reaction. Must have been too much fat in it.
   — Cindy R.

June 9, 2002
yes this is dumping
   — Mary H.

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