Ages 20-25 that have had RNY???

Hi everyone. I was just wondering about some women ages 20-25 having WLS. How did it affect your life and how did you deal with everything? Any information would help. My first consultation is on July 24th!! :) If you would like to email me, feel free: [email protected] Thanks!!! :)    — Heather H. (posted on June 22, 2002)

June 22, 2002
Hi there:) I am 24 years old and right now I am 17 days post-op (open RNY) I can't tell you the long term outcome just yet...but I decided that it was the right time for me b/c I have not yet started a family and can afford to do this for myself. My responsibilities are growing with each year that passes, so I figured I'd do it now while I have time for myself. I get to enjoy my 20's and beyond! Good luck to you :)
   — Kelly C.

June 22, 2002
I am close to the age that you are asking about~ 27 yrs. old and 15 days post op. I honesly feel great. I think that my age has had alot to do with my wonderful recovery, knock on wood. I have only had pain in my tube area due to the stitch being to long and too much movement in the stitch has agitated the area. But I was up and walking the hospital halls at 4:00 am when my surgery was at 2:30 pm the afternoon before. The nurses were amazed. They said they normally have to beg and plead with patients to get up and move and here I was asking then to get me up, lol. Also, I feel like I picked a great time to do this because I don't have a family to cook for and can make my own meals the way I need too. I let my live-in bf fend for himself,lol. And last, I had this done before I had any major medical problems to deal with. I think by doing this I have prevented the onset of high blood pressure, diabeties, etc. I think it is a great age to do this while you have soooo much of your active life to get out there and live. Feel free to email me if you have any questions or want to talk~ [email protected]
   — Candi B.

June 22, 2002
I had my surgery at barely 28. I am now 29 years old and have lost 182 lbs. How has it affected my life? OH MY GOD!!! It's been the most amazing thing I could have ever done for myself, and I wish I had done it ten years ago. I can't speak to the social adjustments that a single person would make (I am married.) but socially this weight loss has been such a boost to me. The most important thing is that it has given me so much more confidence.
   — Terissa R.

June 23, 2002
I was 25 when I had RNY. I'm now just under 5 months out and have turned 26 in the meantime. At the moment, I'm not seeing any long term results, but I do feel better in myself and notice that I don't hide from the wold as much. In fact, my old gusto has come back when it comes to taking sh*t from others - I don't do it anymore and I'm not afraid to be disliked because of it. Before, I was worried peopel wouldn't like me because of my weight, now I don't care. I come scars and all. <br> If you ever wnat to email me, feel free.
   — Gremlin Q.

June 23, 2002
I am 25 and am awaiting lap rny on July 30th. I can't wait. I know for a fact that it will change my life for the better forever!!
   — TP

June 23, 2002
Hello! I had surgery this Janury 24th when I was 22. I just turned 23, and am so glad I did this. I almost wished I could have done it sooner. I love shopping, going out is fun (not having to worry about literally fitting in), and you get more attention from guys. I will say that some of my overweight friends are not very supportive, but I attribute that to being jealous. I'd be jealous if they had it done and I didn't. Anyway, I didn't just do this for looking better, I did it for my health. Good luck!
   — Paula Prichard

June 23, 2002
I am 24 and had open RNY 5 months ago. Down 117 pounds so far. My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner. The majority of my friends are very honest, very critical men...and lately they have been telling me stuff like "you are looking really good," hee. The other day at work a good looking x-ray tech came over to me and was talking, when he left my coworkers were like "Nichole!" I didn't even realize we were flirting! That made my whole month happy, someone flirting with me. Ha. I do have a close friend who is obese and our relationship is a little tense right now. For instance, we went shopping and I almost did a cartwheel because I fit into a size 20 skirt, she was talking about how sad she was because she felt like she looked awful. I almost feel guilty for being so happy.
   — Nichole B.

June 23, 2002
I am 20 and had Lap RNY on September7 2000. To date I have lost 100 lbs and have 10-16 lbs left. The only regret that I have is that I didn't do this when I was 18, My parents supported my decision to have the surgery but said that it was my choice and wouldn't sing for something that would drastically change my life. I have so much confidence now in myself and am always so happy. I actually love to shop now too. After surgery I met a wonderful guy that I told about the surgery and now supports me with my new way of life.
   — jenna F.

June 23, 2002
I'm 22 and had LAP RNY 2 weeks ago. I am down 31 pounds already and feeling good so far. I have had wonderful support from my family and boyfriend and friends. I weighed 250 in the beginning and have not vomitted once. I am looking forward to a new life!! I didn't want to live the best years of my life (my 20's and 30's) being obese, so i knew this was the right decision for me. SO far no complications! :) goodluck to you! if you have any questions what-so-ever and need support, please e-mail me! [email protected]
   — Lezlie Y.

June 23, 2002
We oldies (over 50) have a yahoo group that we set up for our concerns. Amos is still our board, but is supplemented by our oldies board. Perhaps one of you could set up a twenty somthing board.
   — faybay

June 23, 2002
Heather, I am 24 years old and had surgery last year. I am now down 102 lbs and weight about 170 lbs. I am 5'8" and so my goal is to get to 160 lbs. Please take a look at my profile and email me with any questions that you might have. I have tried to keep a journal along my journey to help others who are seeking out this surgery and to help myself remember how far I've come when I am down. Good luck to you!
   — Lori B.

June 24, 2002
Hey Heather: I am 23 and was a year out last Friday. I've lost 93lbs (but I'm a lightweight--started at 267, now down to 174) and I feel wonderful!!! This was one of the best decisions I've ever made. I feel healthier and happier than I ever have and I feel like my quality of life has increased tenfold.
   — PT LawMom

June 24, 2002
In response to Fay Bayuk's suggestion about a twenty something board, if anyone is interested in setting up a group at yahoo, I think that would be a good idea, let me know. [email protected]
   — Brandy Y.

June 24, 2002
I had my surgery when I was 23---I'm 24 now. My starting weight was 361; 9 months later I'm 184. I've lost 177 lbs but I feel like I've gained an amazing life! I have friends my age~ which sounds strange, but people my age would never really associate with me pre-op. I can ACT my age! I occassionally go out to party with friends :-) I can wear clothing that is "age appropriate". I feel like I'm 24 -- where before, I felt like I was in my 40's! I haven't had any marriage proposals yet, but I feel so good about myself, that dating and flirting with guys is more of a possibility. <br> I would like to say I wish I could've done this 10 years ago, but then this kind of life would be normal to least now I know all I have to be grateful for! <br> As for the 20-something support group...there is one. It's a msn group. It's called "WLSforGenXandY".
   — Kristin R.

June 24, 2002
Hi, I am 21 and I had surgery 4 months ago I am down close to 65 pounds (40 away from goal). I am very happy with my decision to have this surgery. I suffered too much in my teen years and don't plan on suffering any more! I also look at other women in my family and think "how can someone suffer for 20 or 30 years". I am not built emotionally for that, I hope that I never have to see myself overweight again. I am definately a stronger person for it though, I feel I can truely appreciate my body. missy
   — M. S.

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