What do gallbladder symptoms feel like?

I am having cramps in my upper abdomen, both when I eat and when I don't. The pain isn't severe, more of a knawing cramp that radiates into my back. Has anyone felt like this?    — D. F. (posted on August 14, 2002)

August 14, 2002
When you're not having a real full blown attack, it's like you know something's in there but you don't know what it is and when you're sitting at your desk all day (like I am right now) and a bit hunched forward with your upper body (because of the roll of fat), it's there and it's like gnawing at your insides......that's what mine felt like!!!
   — Nell C.

August 14, 2002
Boy, can I remember a full blown gallstone attack! Horrible pain that feels like the worse trapped gas. But after a bottle of Maalox, jumping up and down to release the gas and no relief for hours..a trip to the doctor figured it out. Usually a gallstone attack is preceded by eating a heavy fat meal.
   — Cindy R.

August 14, 2002
Oh boy...gallstones! Never in my life have I been in more pain! I had about 20 attacks before I had my gallbladder out, and I believe that each attack raised my pain threshold, because WLS was almost a walk in the park! Trust me, the pain and the duration of each attack increases, so please don't let it go for too long! Also keep in mind that attacks are triggered by high-fat high-cholesterol foods, and also by rapid weight loss. Be careful and go see your doctor ASAP! Although it may feel like you can handle it now, a gallbladder can rupture easily and make you very, very sick. Good luck!
   — LaRayne H.

August 14, 2002
My response seems a little different than the others...I had my GB removed two months ago, 6 weeks after an attack that landed me in the hospital for 5 days fighting an infection. Most of the time I felt fine, but every once in awhile I'd get horrible cold sweats out of nowhere, and the two nights before I finally went to the hospital were the worst nights I've ever spent. I thought I was having a heart attack. The pain was ENORMOUS, it came in waves...about every two minutes it felt like every organ in my abdomen was clenching up. I felt like I had to throw up constantly (and ultimately, I was throwing up constantly)...but the pain attacks really started only at night. After I was admitted to the hospital the pain was pretty much constant, though, day and night. I think that night pain is a typical indicator -- does your pain get worse at night? Good luck....I hope its heartburn! :)
   — Tamara K.

August 14, 2002
They feel like someone is grabbing you in the middle and squeezing as hard as they can! You squirm around and feel like something needs to "give" but you are not sure what it is! Yet, it is hard to pin point the pain because you are not quite sure where it comes from or if it's gas etc. I was popping gas-x and lactose intolerance pills- figuring that is what was happening. Well, they didn't work. I also would feel weird because as intense the pain was, and how quick it came upon- it would also dissipate- making me thing I was crazy- like perhaps I imagined the attack and was just eating/drinking incorrectly. It was when I started having attacks during non-meal times that I figured it out! I also spent a good 3 hours in ER for my biggest attack (they ex-rayed everything and "couldn't find anything"...) when I came to AMOS and searched on GB, that is when I discovered what I had was an attack. I called ER and asked them- did you check my GB? They said no! Ultrasounds ordered by my surgeon (It was conveniently time for my check up) proved otherwise......
   — Karen R.

August 14, 2002
I think just like everything else, everyone feels pain or experiences diseases or gallstones in different ways. I personally would have this deep knawing ache in the middle of my abdomen, just under my breastbone. I used to think it was an ulcer or with my vivid imagination, stomach cancer. After over a year I finally went to see a doctor and he prescribed precription strength Pepcid. The heartburn and acid reflux I was having went away but I was still having these 'attacks'. They would happen in the morning (I have to start work around 6 a.m., I just can't eat that early) as I was driving around (I'm a school bus driver). At first I thought it was because I tend to lean forward as I drive, instead of leaning back on the seat. Then I thought it was because I was drinking Diet Coke. I always felt an instinctive need to eat. Once I did eat, the pain would go away for about an hour and the it would come back. And, well, the pain was uncomfortable, but I never once felt it was excrutiating. It was just a deep, knawing ache. I had a follow up with my regular pcp a month later and she did the abdominal palpatation, but this time she included the area under my right rib and OH MY GOD!!! Boy did that hurt, I nearly lept off the table. She sent me for an ultrasound (not very comfy) and sure enough, I had gallstones and on June 24th I had my gallbladder removed via lap. I recoverd fully in a week and 1/2. Soooooo, my point is, if you have the pain, go have your doctor check it out. Why be like me, and go through it for so long? When in doubt, ask your doctor? Better safe than sorry, yes? Cathy
   — jenlaur1

August 15, 2002
It sounds like gallstones! My first attack came after eating a bagel with cream cheese. I tend to eat fast and not chew well so I thought I had a blockage. I had around three attacks in just a few weeks. I would have had more... but I really pushed for a fast surgery 'date! I'm so glad I did as I did'nt have to go through any full blown' attacks that many here talk about. But the attacks I did have hurt bad. Look into it and get an ultrasound. If it is your gallbladder then get it out quick! It won't get any better. When ladies say it is worse than child birth... I believe them! (Don't know what that feels like, of course- lol) but I was'nt taking any chances and wanted mine out QUICK!
   — Danmark

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