does anyone else have blurred vision after surgery?

Open-RNY 4 weeks ago, my husband 1 week ago. we both have this condition. we're not on any meds. I've never worn glasses. he does but even those don't help.    — Sue C. (posted on August 25, 2002)

August 25, 2002
If you were diabetic pre op the dropping blood sugars post op can cause this. But do check with your surgeon & PCP. Also a big change in blood pressure can cause blurriness in a few folks.
   — bob-haller

August 25, 2002
Hi, I don't know if you are having the blurred vision all of the time, but I was told that blurred vision can be a sign of "dumping". If its not happening all of the time, you might want to see what you've eaten recently. Good luck.
   — Amanda E.

August 25, 2002
hi there, i too experienced this just a little when i was maybe 1 to 2 weeks post op i thought it was my imagination until i read your question but all is well and havent had that in months best of luck to you :)
   — carrie M.

August 25, 2002
I get blurred vision when I get dehydrated. How is your fluid intake.
   — faybay

August 26, 2002
I think it's from the anesthesia. I remember having the same problem. It will pass.
   — Mary G.

August 26, 2002
My surgeon requires his patients to take B12 vitamins after surgery - a PERMANENT result of a B12 deficiency is blindness. If you aren't taking B12 - please get some right away. Hugs GMSKAT
   — GMSKAT ..

September 1, 2002
It's not a typical normal sign, I would run, not walk to the doctor and get it checked out. Why play around with your eye sight. Good Luck!
   — ZZ S.

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