has anyone had Tachychardia as a co-Morbidity

I was mailed a copy of the report that the WLS surgeon mailed to ins co. because I am appealing the denial in the lettter it states he discovered that I have tachychardia and I checked on net and the defination is abnormal fast heart rate due to a heart trying to pump oxygen rich blood and somehow it can't. I also checked and it indicated that it goes along with morbid obesity. But has anyone here On AMOS faced this.    — Grace H. (posted on September 6, 2002)

September 6, 2002
Tachycardia is a fast heart rate at rest. Of course the heart beats appropriately faster depending on what activity you are doing. It is not considered a comorbidity. There are several different kinds of tachycardias that usually needs to be investigated by a cardiologist/electrophysiologist as to the etiology of their origin. They are easily maintained by several different medications. If it is a supraventricular tachycardia then the electrical pathway needs to be charted through an electrophysiology study, done in the hospital, to find the abhorrent pathway. Either medication or a radiofrequency ablation will cure this. A ventricular tachycardia is controlled by an automatic implantable cardiodefibrillator. The same device that was implanted in Vice-President Dick Cheny. Now if you do see a cardiologist, of course the first thing he is going to tell you is that you should lose weight for the good of your heart. Most of our patients who are being treated for tachycardias are no bigger then a minute and have no weight problems.
   — Sue A.

September 7, 2002
My husband rushed me to the ER once because of tachicardia (sp?)--I had forgotten to take my blood pressure meds and my body reacted accordingly. I was not aware this was a comorb. I have not had an episode since surgery and I have been off all meds since about 5 weeks post-op.
   — jenn2002

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