Eating Too Much Post Op

I am six weeks post op. The other night my hubby ordered a thin crust pizza with cheese and veggies on it, I was able to eat 2 small slices without getting overfull. This worries me, what's wrong?    — Gale G. (posted on October 19, 2002)

October 19, 2002
Gale, I could do the same thing. I had a visit with my surgeon this week, I was telling him some (but not all!) of what I could eat. I mentioned pizza, he said "there you go with that bread again." "We try to stick with a high protein diet here." And he is right. My weight loss slowed because I was eating too many carbs. You don't think it hurts to have them, but it really does. Little bad habits turn into big ones. An occasional treat is fine for me, but we did this surgery to lose, and I think we will lose a lot slower with a lot of carbs in our lives. Just my humble opinion - good luck to you on your journey. I know you'll do great. A lot of trial and error, but we can do this!
   — Valerie B.

October 19, 2002
We get pizza about once every week or two. That is my splurge day. I can eat two pieces of thin crust because there is so little crust to it. I can only eat one slice of reg crust or half a slice of deep dish. It doesnt sound like anything is wrong. Dont worry!
   — maryburton

October 19, 2002
I went to Europe last year and when in Paris, that was about the only thing I could eat and did eat. Two small pieces isn't bad. I love veggie pizzas with cheese and you should try a chicken/cheese pizza...YUMMMM!!!
   — Betty Todd

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