
My surgeon wanted to do the DS but cannot due to GERD and so he said he could cure with it with a RNY. My ins company won't even consider a DS, they will only pay for a RNY if I have any hope of getting them to approve. So surgery for GERD alone is not an option. I cannot raise the head of my bed due to extreme edema in lower extremities. I take water pills for the edema, and the water pills make me pee but the edema will not go away. Ever since last night's episode, my whole food tube has been on fire and I am drinking buttermilk by the gallon. Unfortunately I am allergic to milk plus the milk causes extreme phlegm and I have asthma. They have tried unsuccessfully several times to do a upper GI and cannot becuase I vomit the barium the moment I swallow it. I am going to contact the doctor today    — Grace H. (posted on October 21, 2002)

October 23, 2002
Grace, I know that every person has the right to choose the type of surgery they want, but I had the open RNY procedure in Nov. 2001 and I had chronic GERD, and I have not taken 1 pill for it since the day of surgery. I had anticipated having surgery for it when I found that it could be fixed with my WLS so I said, "Why have 2 surgeries and put my body through that when it can be fixed with 1"? I do not in any way shape or form regret my WLS or the type I had. Do some research on the open, and maybe that will make you feel a little better. Good Luck!
   — Lynda T.

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