How well can i digest mussles?

Want to visit my fav. restaurant this weekend, they specialize in steamed mussles, anyone out there had a problem? thanks in advance, deb    — deb F. (posted on October 29, 2002)

October 28, 2002
My fiance loves mussels. I'm not crazy over them but because my fiance loves them, I make them for dinner once in a while. I'm not sure, but I would imagine they are pretty high in protien, so I've eaten them. Just make sure they are rinsed well so you don't get any grit and chew them really good and you should be fine.
   — Monica H.

October 28, 2002
I used to love mussels, but I've gotten sick on them twice since surgery, so now I just stay away from them. They can easily get stuck if not chewed well enough, especially the larger ones, they just don't break down very easliy. I've never had this problem with clams, oysters or even escargot, but more for me. So, just be careful.
   — Leslie F.

October 28, 2002
I have had mussels quite a few times since my surgery. Chew them good and I have no problem. I usually order the appetizers and my husband will finish what is left over. My life is not going to come to a halt because I had this procedure. Instead I am adapting. If I try something and it does not set well then I have no desire to have it again. So try the mussels if it doesn't work for you then take it from there.
   — Sue A.

October 29, 2002
Chew, Chew, Chew! And enjoy!!
   — Scarlett A.

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