Any recent MS'ers that has had WLS?

I was dx in 95 with MS, I am now considering WLS. Interested on MS and WLS to give to doc' and cons. How have you done pre and post op. How many out there considering this? My Neuro. doc said I would definately benefit from WLS. Thanks Trish [email protected]    — Patricia K. (posted on November 11, 2002)

November 11, 2002
I have MS. Please read my profile. Overall, I would say losing weight was the BEST thing I could have ever done for myself. Had a period of relapse after my surgery for approximately 9 months (yucka!), but now have been back in remission for nearly a year and loving all the energy. I can walk better now than I ever could at 400+ lbs.!!!
   — Terissa R.

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